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New Book: “REALMS: The Roleplaying Game Art of Tony DiTerlizzi”

August 14, 2014

For my longtime fans of the work I did for AD&D, Planescape, Changeling and even Magic the Gathering, this press release is for you:


Comic Con International Recap

July 30, 2014

I’ve attended San Diego’s Comic Con International off-and-on since the 1990’s and I’ve watched it grow to become the daddy of all geek conventions. Despite the long airplane flight, long lines and 200k+ crowd, it is a fun four-day ride.


Comic Con 2014 Schedule

July 15, 2014

For those attending next week’s Comic Con International in lovely San Diego, California, here is my schedule of events:


Decatur Book Festival

June 18, 2014

I am happy to announce that Ang and I will both be presenting and signing at this year’s Decatur Book Festival, near Atlanta, Georgia. (more…)

STAR WARS Book Trailer

June 2, 2014

Lucasfilm has released a trailer for my upcoming picture book adaptation of the original trilogy, title The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight. Take a look:


Star Wars Interviews

May 17, 2014

Patrick Day of the Los Angeles Times interviewed me while on the road promoting The Battle for WondLa last week.



April 26, 2014

Last November the non-profit organization, Reading is Fundamental (RIF), asked if I would donate an original piece of artwork to be auctioned off at their spring “Cat in The Hat” gala held in Washington DC. (more…)

The Adventures of Luke Skywalker

April 18, 2014

Disney & Lucasfilm have released some exciting news that I have been dying to share…


LA Times Festival of Books

April 2, 2014

Angela and I will be presenting and signing at the LA Times Festival of Books on Saturday, April 12th, at the University of Southern California.


WondLa May 2014 Tour Dates

March 10, 2014

I’ve finally received my May tour dates to support the fantastic finale to the WondLa trilogy. (more…)

Celebrate Goblin Week!

January 29, 2014

Last week was “Goblin Week”, where the mischievous monsters were celebrated by artists using all mediums and shared via Tumblr. Since I use an old-fashioned WordPress for my blog, I thought I’d share my goblin contribution here, along with some delightful dice-rolling downloads. (more…)

Sammy the Owl (Part II)

January 22, 2014

The creation of the logo for the Amherst public library was a feature article in our local paper, The Gazette.


Sammy the Owl

November 21, 2013

Last month I visited with Sharon Sharry, Library Director of our public library, the Jones Library. At the suggestion of author extraordinaire, Norton Juster, she’d asked if I could discuss a new award honoring the Pioneer Valley’s local literary luminaries. (more…)

A Ted-eriffic Friday Fan Art

October 25, 2013

Our friend, Stacy, and her son, Brody, just finished a school project involving 2 pumpkins, some pink paint, and my favorite picture book. (more…)

Entertainment Weekly Exclusive: “The Battle for WondLa” Cover Revealed

October 17, 2013

If you’ve been following this blog for the past couple of months, you know I have been sharing much of my process for the upcoming cover to the third and final book in the Wondla trilogy,  The Battle for WondLa.


The Search for a WondLaful Cover (IV)

September 20, 2013

The final stages of creating the artwork for The Battle for WondLa dust-jacket required me to set down my pencils, pens and paper and grab a mouse, Wacom stylus and keyboard.


The Battle for WondLa: Third Draft Completed

August 27, 2013

71,000 words later, the final chapter of Eva Nine’s story is off to my editor at Simon & Schuster for final tweaks and copy-editing. (more…)

Friday Fan Art for You Beetleheads

August 23, 2013

Throughout the year I am fortunate to receive letters, drawings, and the occasional package from fans around the world.  These notes contain questions, inspired art and ideas, and conversation all sparked by my work or common thread of interest in the fantastic, art, or books.  I love to read these letters and I am always so amazed to see the beautiful work that is produced. What fans do not always realize is that often times these letters and works are just as inspiring for me as my work is to them.  Sculptural artist, June Gallagher’s, gift provided a mischievous masterpiece of inspiration.

A Fantastic Field Guide Friday Fan Art

August 9, 2013

Patrik is a teenage artist from a small European country named Slovenia (located next to Italy, Austria, and Croatia) who has been inspired by The Spiderwick Chronicles.  He read the series about four years ago, in his native language Slovene, and became inspired to create his own fantastical project, which took him three years to complete! (more…)

The Search for a WondLaFul Cover (Part III)

August 2, 2013

After many concept sketches, refined drawings, and color studies, I was finally able to begin the execution of the final artwork for The Battle for WondLa. (more…)

The Search for a WondLaful Cover (Part II)

July 12, 2013

Invigorated with feedback from my readers, and my sketch approved by the team at Simon & Schuster, it was time to develop the mood of my cover concept sketch through use of color.


Friday Fan Art

July 12, 2013

This week’s Friday Fan Art comes from a wonderful local bookstore called The Odyssey Bookshop, located in South Hadley, Massachusets.  To help celebrate The Spiderwick Chronicles’ 10-year anniversary, the staff held a nationwide contest asking Spiderwick fans from near and far to submit a drawing of their favorite character from the series.


The Search for a WondLaful Cover (Part I)

June 29, 2013

While my first draft of The Battle for WondLa was read by my editor and trusted beta-readers, I switched my focus from writing to drawing. In particular, drawing the perfect cover image to depict the climatic conclusion of the WondLa trilogy.


The Battle for WondLa: First Draft Completed

June 3, 2013

Fellow Orbonians, the first draft of The Battle for WondLa is completed and with my editor. While he reads it over (along with my beta-readers), I am beginning to design the third and final cover.


Friday Fan Art

May 10, 2013

Since I am celebrating the 10-year anniversary of The Spiderwick Chronicles this week, today’s Friday Fan Art is appropriately themed. It comes all the way from a small town in Brazil where a young artist turned to the story of Jared, Simon and Mallory for inspiration.


Never Abandon Imagination Tony DiTerlizzi: Never abandon imagination.

Imagination is a world of possibility that exists within each of us. It is what makes us uniquely human. It is our creative fingerprint that touches and influences the world around us. Imagination is essential to art and science; to innovation and prosperity. It gives us hope, calls us to action and leads to change.

Whether it’s fairies, dragons, robots or aliens, all of my children’s book characters are siblings born of my imagination – an imagination strengthened through years of encouragement from family, teachers and friends. While so many others abandoned it during their transition from childhood to adulthood, I fiercely held onto mine, hoping for a day when I could share it to inspire the next generation of dreamers. Innovators. World changers.

Imagination empowers us to envision and create a reality of what could be. We must hold it dear, foster it and never abandon it.