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Category: Gaming Stuff

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 10

July 5, 2024

After The Monstrous Manual: The Calm Before The Storm Using the money I had earned from Dragon Mountain and the Monstrous Manual, in the summer of 1993 I rented a two-bedroom apartment, dedicating one bedroom as my “art studio”. Well…really I drew and painted all over the place, as you can see in the photo …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 9

July 2, 2024

TD, Monster Machine Welcome back to a deep dive of my experience working on the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monstrous Manual. As I mentioned at the start, I finished illustrating the Dragon Mountain boxed set adventure on February 1st, 1993 and began immediately on the Monstrous Manual the following day. All 100 pieces were due …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 8

June 26, 2024

Creepy-Crawlies I am sad to say our trip down Monstrous Manual Memory Lane is nearing its end but don’t fret, we still have a few more monsters to cover: Giant creepy crawlers that are iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters, like… ILLUSTRATION #3: Ankheg The giant subterranean invertebrate known as the Ankheg (ANN-kegg) made its colorful …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 7

June 22, 2024

Lizard Men, Fish Folk and a Mantis Warrior Welcome back to a deep dive of my experience working for TSR on the 1993 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monstrous Manual. We’ve covered quite a bit leading up to this point–from my humble beginnings as an aspiring art school graduate to rendering some of D&D’s classic creatures. …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 6

June 18, 2024

“There were virtually no fantasy figurines being produced when Chainmail Fantasy Supplement tabletop battles were being played, and so that is where the conversion of dime store toys into monsters began.” –Gary Gygax, 2007 I’m back and highlighting some classic, iconic monsters of Dungeons & Dragons that I had the opportunity to illustrate back in …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 5

June 14, 2024

The Fairy Folk We enter the enchanting fairytale world of sprites, sylphs, gnomes and other fae folk in this installment of ‘Behind The Monstrous Manual’. Previously, I spoke about mythology, folklore and J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic books, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy influencing Gary Gygax and his designers when creating Dungeons & Dragons …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 4

June 10, 2024

Moving beyond Parts 2 and 3 of fantasy humanoids, we’ll now take a look at a several monsters I had the opportunity to illustrate for the Dungeons & Dragons Monstrous Manual that have been celebrated for centuries in epic myths. We’re talking the Cyclops, Medusa, Minotaur and more! ILLUSTRATION #44: Giant, Cyclops Our first monster …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 3

June 4, 2024

Big Bad Humanoids I’m back with my deep dive into the making of 1993’s Dungeons & Dragons Monstrous Manual, a book that was pivotal in my career as an aspiring illustrator. Previously, I discussed how I came to work on the first colorized edition of this classic D&D rulebook and shared the story of the …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 2

May 31, 2024

Humanoids “The fact is that I have read so much mythology, folklore, fairytales, and authored fiction with monsters and all manner of strange folk and creatures that it is hard to pin down exactly where a good number of the AD&D monsters got their inspiration.” –Gary Gygax, 2007 In Part 1 of ‘Behind The Monstrous …

Behind The ‘Monstrous Manual’: PART 1

May 29, 2024

Long Time No See It has been eons since I wrote a new blog post. In fact, it was two presidents and a pandemic ago since I’ve added anything new. Wow. I still love sharing what I am up to…but over the years, social media has come to replace posts like this. Most of us …

Never Abandon Imagination: The Fantastical Art of Tony DiTerlizzi

December 18, 2017

If you’ve been following me on social media for the past year, you know that in November I celebrated the opening of a retrospective exhibition at The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. To say that the experience was surreal would be an understatement. Having grown up copying Rockwell’s iconic images, it is an amazing …

Happy New Year!

January 13, 2017

I know the site looks like a ghost town. I haven’t updated it in almost a year. Fear not, I am in the process of a new design for the site which I am planning on relaunching very soon. In the meantime, I do have some newsy bits I’d love to share: 2016 marked the …

DiTerlizzi Masterworks Miniature Line Now Available!

December 9, 2015

Dark Sword Miniatures has released all the figurines in the “DiTerlizzi Masterworks” line just in time for the holidays!

Gen Con Wrap Up

August 6, 2015

This time last week the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis was jammed full of 60,000+ gamers and I was happy to be among them.

Gen Con is Next Week!

July 24, 2015

The Gen Con game fair begins next week and I am as excited as a halfling in a dragon’s hoard.

DiTerlizzi Masterworks Miniature Line

June 10, 2015

To say that this year has been this nerd’s dream-come-true would be an understatement. If a collection of my Dungeons & Dragons artwork wasn’t enough, I am totally geeking out right now as I announce a line of gaming miniatures–based on my designs–which will be available this fall.

Gen Con Artist Guest of Honor

February 13, 2015

Its been over a decade since I attended the biggest gaming convention in the country, but this summer I am thrilled to be returning to one of my most favorite cons of all.

New Book: “REALMS: The Roleplaying Game Art of Tony DiTerlizzi”

August 14, 2014

For my longtime fans of the work I did for AD&D, Planescape, Changeling and even Magic the Gathering, this press release is for you:

Celebrate Goblin Week!

January 29, 2014

Last week was “Goblin Week”, where the mischievous monsters were celebrated by artists using all mediums and shared via Tumblr. Since I use an old-fashioned WordPress for my blog, I thought I’d share my goblin contribution here, along with some delightful dice-rolling downloads.

Fabulous Folded Friday Fan Art

March 22, 2013

I’ve been a fan of paperfolding since my mom bought a copy of Robert Harbin’s Secrets of Origami back in the 70’s.

Books: The Colors of My Past

July 28, 2011

As you may have read recently, I’ve uploaded all sorts of activity and coloring pages throughout the site and on my facebook page. This had me thinking about coloring books and the artwork created for these treasured tomes.

Download some DiTerlizzi!

July 5, 2011

I hope everyone had a fabulous Fourth of July. I took a weekend off from WondLa 2 and enjoyed some food, fireworks and finding fireflies. Also, I uploaded all sorts of DiTerlizzi-themed downloads to the site. If you read about each title under the BOOKS section, you’ll now find lots of cool FREE stuff, like …

TD does DAT

February 21, 2011

About a month ago I posted a bunch of old Dungeons & Dragons art from the early part of my career on my facebook page, (which were well received to my utter delight). As I scanned the dingy drawings, I realized that some were pushing 20 years old already…yikes! This was on the heels of …

Back in 1982…no wait, 1992…

December 8, 2010

Jon Schindehette, the Creative Art Director for Dungeons & Dragons at Wizards of the Coast, invited me to participate in his “How I Made it” series over at his blog in hopes that my story may offer up some seeds of inspiration for up-and-coming fantasy artists. In fact, I found his blog to be INCREDIBLY …

Updated FAQs

February 23, 2010

Doing a school report titled “Your Favoritist Book Creator of All Time”? When is your college term paper on “The Most Stupendous Writer-Artist-Guy of the 21st Century?” due? Perhaps you want to break into the industry of making books for kids…or perhaps you just need to know more about me than my own parents. Whatever …

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Never Abandon Imagination Tony DiTerlizzi: Never abandon imagination.

Imagination is a world of possibility that exists within each of us. It is what makes us uniquely human. It is our creative fingerprint that touches and influences the world around us. Imagination is essential to art and science; to innovation and prosperity. It gives us hope, calls us to action and leads to change.

Whether it’s fairies, dragons, robots or aliens, all of my children’s book characters are siblings born of my imagination – an imagination strengthened through years of encouragement from family, teachers and friends. While so many others abandoned it during their transition from childhood to adulthood, I fiercely held onto mine, hoping for a day when I could share it to inspire the next generation of dreamers. Innovators. World changers.

Imagination empowers us to envision and create a reality of what could be. We must hold it dear, foster it and never abandon it.