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Out-of-this-World Friday Fan Art

November 4, 2011

I hope everyone in my neck of the woods is safely recovering from the early winter storm that decided a fun trick for Halloween would be ten feet of snow covering the ground. For us residents in western Massachusetts, Halloween will be celebrated tomorrow night…yeah, it was that bad here.

However cold I was from our lack of heat, my heart was warmed when six year-old Nico, from New York City, sent me a snapshot of his awesome trick-or-treating attire. Not only does he have great taste in literature, but his parents are good with helping make an out-of-this-world costume. Holy Macaroni!

This reminded me that I’ve received other snapshots over the years of other DiTerlizzi-inspired homemade costumes and how flattered and blown away I am when I see these.

So, if you send me a snapshot of you (your little one) dressed up as a character from one of my books for me to share here on the blog, I’ll send you some signed swag. It can be from ANY year, it doesn’t have to be from 2011. Please send your pics here: and DON’T FORGET to include your mailing address.

Happy belated-Halloween!

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Never Abandon Imagination Tony DiTerlizzi: Never abandon imagination.

Imagination is a world of possibility that exists within each of us. It is what makes us uniquely human. It is our creative fingerprint that touches and influences the world around us. Imagination is essential to art and science; to innovation and prosperity. It gives us hope, calls us to action and leads to change.

Whether it’s fairies, dragons, robots or aliens, all of my children’s book characters are siblings born of my imagination – an imagination strengthened through years of encouragement from family, teachers and friends. While so many others abandoned it during their transition from childhood to adulthood, I fiercely held onto mine, hoping for a day when I could share it to inspire the next generation of dreamers. Innovators. World changers.

Imagination empowers us to envision and create a reality of what could be. We must hold it dear, foster it and never abandon it.