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Diversion #1 (A Flight of Fancy)

August 11, 2008

“The Sophia Marie”

I’ve had a little time off of my book schedule this past month to enjoy the summer weather. This has been great for several reasons:

1. I get to spend some fun time with Ang and Sophia.
2. I get the time to properly upgrade from my old ’03 G5 Mac to the latest PowerPC.
3. I get to recharge my creative energy for the coming projects.

Part of that creative recharging (for me) involves taking on small, one-off, odd jobs to act as diversions where I can explore ideas I may not otherwise do in the books that I create. Of course, I am a firm believer that everything we act upon and experience effects our lives and what we do, and so I feel these exercises are good for me creatively as I continue forward on my artistic journey.

“Diversion #1” was an interview and article for PrivatAir magazine. This mag is for (you guessed it) pilots and owners of private aircraft, but they have a great little section, called “Sketchpad”, where they ask an artist to render their idea of a dream jet – Growing up with a dad who works for Pratt & Whitney aircraft (which involved going to air shows and making all sorts of model jets and fighter planes as a kid), well…how could I refuse?


“The Sophia Marie” dorsal view

So, I thought of a couple of things: If I were a person in the income bracket who could afford a private plane, well I would probably have a few fancy cars as well. In particular, antique, hard-to-get, beautifully crafted cars – you know, the kind you see on television where the gazillionaire has a fleet of these automobiles in his/her giant garage.


Rolls-Royce New Phantom - Saweet!

So, I looked at old Rolls-Royces from the 1920’s and 30’s – in particular the “New Phantom” series. The lines and the dual-color paintjob got me all giddy, so off I went to design my dream jet with all sorts of Rolls-Royce fanciness. Heck, it even has a skylight!


“The Sophia Marie” lateral view

BTW, the latest issue of PrivateAir (Aug/Sept. ‘08), with my jet design, “The Sophia Marie”, is available now in newsstands…more summer diversions to follow…

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Never Abandon Imagination Tony DiTerlizzi: Never abandon imagination.

Imagination is a world of possibility that exists within each of us. It is what makes us uniquely human. It is our creative fingerprint that touches and influences the world around us. Imagination is essential to art and science; to innovation and prosperity. It gives us hope, calls us to action and leads to change.

Whether it’s fairies, dragons, robots or aliens, all of my children’s book characters are siblings born of my imagination – an imagination strengthened through years of encouragement from family, teachers and friends. While so many others abandoned it during their transition from childhood to adulthood, I fiercely held onto mine, hoping for a day when I could share it to inspire the next generation of dreamers. Innovators. World changers.

Imagination empowers us to envision and create a reality of what could be. We must hold it dear, foster it and never abandon it.