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A Masterful Friday Fan Art

March 30, 2012

(*Parents, teachers: This week’s FFA involves a naturalistic depiction of a mermaid. Thus, she wears no seashell-bikini.)

I’ve seen lots of wonderful submissions for Friday Fan Art over the years. Each time a drawing, painting or sculpture arrives in my studio inbox, I am over the moon with joy that my work has inspired others. However, every once and awhile something comes in that completely BLOWS MY MIND.

Gilberto Magno is a CG artist working in São Paulo, Brazil. His portfolio exhibits many artistic styles, but what he excels at is digital 3D rendering.

This is the detail of a CG model of a Caribbean Mermaid from Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide.  Think that’s amazing? take a look at the rest of it.

…and here is the model painted.

Gilberto even placed the model in an undersea setting, creating a convincing lifelike illustration.

Having seen the CG models used for the Spiderwick film, I can tell you that Gilberto’s work is right up there with the best in the business. His attention to detail and understanding of various shapes and forms has created a stunning interpretation of the mermaid. If these jpegs weren’t enough, check out this little video he created:

Keep up the fabulous work, Gilberto. I can’t wait to see your name in the credits of the next blockbuster film.

Keep dreaming, keep drawing.

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Never Abandon Imagination Tony DiTerlizzi: Never abandon imagination.

Imagination is a world of possibility that exists within each of us. It is what makes us uniquely human. It is our creative fingerprint that touches and influences the world around us. Imagination is essential to art and science; to innovation and prosperity. It gives us hope, calls us to action and leads to change.

Whether it’s fairies, dragons, robots or aliens, all of my children’s book characters are siblings born of my imagination – an imagination strengthened through years of encouragement from family, teachers and friends. While so many others abandoned it during their transition from childhood to adulthood, I fiercely held onto mine, hoping for a day when I could share it to inspire the next generation of dreamers. Innovators. World changers.

Imagination empowers us to envision and create a reality of what could be. We must hold it dear, foster it and never abandon it.